
As we walk along the seashore, I was captivated by these two young boys. Meet Bantot and his younger brother. I asked them what they were doing, they smiled and said "were playing the fish we caught earlier". Happiness can be found everywhere. No one ever says "I want to be sad". It is truly an indication that we long nothing but happiness. Their smiles and their playful act is a symbol of cheerfulness. A symbol that I should uphold in my lifetime.

The eyes are the windows of the soul as they said. Are they? Try to reflect on this picture. I see innocence. I see the eyes of a little girl bluntly looking at something.I see the eyes of a girl looking forward to her own future full of hope.

I was sitting outside the house and saw these children playing. When I told them to have a picture they were not hesitant. Instead, they enthusiastically responded. Their sweet smiles makes me reflect of my own childhood years. Do I feel the same way when I was at their age? 
(Bantot and his younger brother)

I feel disturbed every time I looked at this picture. This was taken at the seashore early in the morning. I could barely imagine a scavenger at the sea. When I asked what he was looking for he told me he was looking for some metals. I silently questioned myself, "A metal at the seashore for a living?

Every child longs for a better and happy living. These pictures were presented to help us realize that every smile should not be taken for granted. Bantot and the children who eagerly want to have picture, they reflect the true meaning of childhood. But for the little girl and the young metal boy do they still have the place to be happy?

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